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For Frazzled Working Mums determined to achieve more fun, flexibility, family time, financial stability & freedom in life!

In only 2-minutes a day!

This is a holistic approach to Time Management & Financial Stability!

You're in the right place if you're a frazzled Working Mum who...

  • Has a gnawing feeling & sense of urgency that there's much more waiting for you in life but you don't know how to achieve it (or even what it is!)

  • Is always running out of time, rushing around, feeling stretched too thin ~ life feels out of control. You're in burnout or close to it.

  • Is overwhelmed by the monotonous juggle, expectations & stress of working Mum Life ~ how can it be so hard to find more time for more rest, self-care or fun? 

  • Is already working so hard & at maximum capacity ~ how will you ever afford the things you dream of doing or having?

  • Feels deflated, unpresent, unfulfilled, frustrated, & is living on autopilot with an unsettling feeling that life is passing you by. Life's not meant to be like this.

  • It's simply not OK for me to see you living life...

    • Waking in the mornings & wondering how you'll make it through the day, constantly busy, chasing your tail, living in a state of stress & overwhelm. If only there were more hours in the day to get everything done (chores & fun) or to make more money so you can achieve your dreams.

    • Feeling frequently exhausted, desperate to crash into bed at the end of each day, & feeling that yet another day has passed you by without a finished to-do list, or the rest or fun that you'd intended (& any rest you get is forced due to illness).

      My mission is for you to...

    • Feel relaxed, calm & in control of your time, energy, finances & destiny so you feel excited for every day ahead.

    • Know how to calmly navigate your inevitable daily challenges so you can pick yourself up quickly & find solutions, whilst finding lessons & gratitude all around you.

    • Have the headspace & focus to find ways to bring your dreams to life, step by step, so you live a life of no regrets.

    • Are you ready & determined to build “unshakeable” foundations to bring your seemingly impossible DREAMS TO YOUR NEW REALITY, step by step?

    Life can change in only 2-minutes...

    Are you ready to become an Unshakeable Mama™?

    All it takes is a single choice to say “yes” to yourself & commit to simple, effective 2-minute Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices that you can integrate into your "busy" days.

    Yes, you really do have that much power & it really is that simple & effective to feel calm & in control of your life again!

    All the lovely working Mums I've supported are amazed at how quickly they see results & positive changes in their lives (for themselves & their families).

    I know it’s hard to put yourself first… I was once a Mum who sacrificed my needs & desires in my attempt to be the 'perfect Mum' (which doesn't actually exist by the way!)

    But I made the choice to find a solution for sustainable change because I could no longer live my life feeling stressed, like I was failing in all areas of life, & with lost hope of ever bringing more fun or my dreams to life.

    Step by step, by creating simple, new, mindful habits over the years, I have become The Unshakeable Mama™ & an even better Mum to my 2 boys... & you can too!

    Here are some of the results you can expect when you say "yes"!

    • Calmer school mornings & getting to school earlier.
    • Headspace to do the things you've been putting off (eg. life admin or applying for a new job).
    • Calmer, more loving relationships with your children & partner.
    • Generally feeling calmer & less overwhelmed about life & finding that things go your way more often.
    • Happier, more responsive & helpful children (because you aren't as stressed!).
    • Having the confidence to apply for a new job, set up your business or get new clients.
    • Feeling more present with your children, playing more games & having more fun.
    • Not stressing when you don't finish everything on your to-do list.
    • Being able to rest & relax guilt-free & not feeling like you have to always being "doing stuff".
    • Not worrying as much about what others think of you or feeling upset by what others say to you.
    • Stronger boundaries around working hours, family time & household chores.
    • Becoming aware of what's most important to you in life with belief that it's possible.
    • So much more!!!! 
    Here's proof from the Unshakeable Mamas I've worked with!

    The key to your "unshakeability" & manifesting your dreams is gaining clarity on your life vision, regulating your Nervous System, setting boundaries & making subtle mindset shifts... & it's far easier than you think! 

    Imagine what life would look like...

    Unlock Time for Your Dreams

    Reclaim time for your needs, desires & aspirations while balancing the demands of motherhood & work.

    Restore Balance & Energy

    Master how to rest & relax, avoid overwhelm & exhaustion, & prioritise your wellbeing without guilt.

    Empowerment through Mindful Living

    Understand that prioritising your wellbeing results in more loving energy for everyone around you, & gives you CALM presence, resilience & confidence.

    Confidence & Boundaries

    Stop feeling pulled in different directions & confidently say "no" without guilt, leading to improved relationships, self-worth & personal growth.

    Harmony in Relationships

    Experience improved relationships with family, friends & colleagues because your inner peace enables calmer responses & a lighter outlook on life.

    Embrace Joy & Authenticity

    Rediscover playfulness, laughter & joy, celebrate daily achievements & embrace a life aligned with your dreams & values.


      “Unshakeable Mama ~ A Mindful Journey to Presence & Freedom”

      For determined, frazzled working mums to build “unshakeable” foundations to take aligned action steps towards making your seemingly impossible DREAMS YOUR NEW REALITY... 

      By gaining clarity on your life vision, regulating your Nervous System, setting boundaries & making mindset shifts...

      Via an 8-week series of simple, effective 2-minute Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices. 

    • Master TIME FREEDOM so you can choose how you spend your time (perhaps even adjust your working hours!) & how to prioritise the people & things most important to you in life (perhaps even find out what these things are now!)

    • Master FINANCIAL STABILITY so you achieve freedom from money stresses & worries, can afford the things you dream of doing & having, & build up your savings. 

    Start Today!

    I offer a "You Choose What You Pay" sliding scale to make this program accessible to you because I know how much you need it!

    I wish I'd had this a few years back but I had to figure it all out the hard way!

    Nothing or nobody can derail an Unshakeable Mama™ from achieving the seemingly impossible! 

    Life's inevitable daily challenges & overwhelm will always remain but an Unshakeable Mama™ can navigate them with grace so she feels in control, picks herself up quickly, finds solutions, creates simple new habits to live her happiest life every day, & takes intentional action steps to bring her dreams to reality.

    Pillar 1 ~ Connect

    C - Connect with your confidence, values, priorities & deepest desires so that you stop living on autopilot, & become open to new perspectives, opportunities & ways of living life.

    This is the “what & why” piece of this journey.

    Pillar 2 ~ Align

    A - Align your thoughts with your actions, environment & the people you surround yourself with to reclaim control over your time so you can bring your desires to reality by setting clear, healthy boundaries & habits that will support & empower you.

    This is the “how” piece of this journey.

    Pillar 3 ~ Liberate

    L - Liberate yourself by learning how to soothe your nervous system slowly & sustainably, cultivate inner peace, find gratitude all around you, & be free of the chaos, stress & overwhelm of working mum life.

    This is the piece of the journey that helps you love all you already have & who you already are.

    Pillar 4 ~ Manifest

    M - Manifest your desires & dreams by raising your vibration through the power of your calm nervous system, your regulated emotions, & by living with intention & focus on your vision.

    This is the piece of the journey that helps you stay focused on your dreams so they become reality.

    What's included in your 8-Week Mindful Journey to Presence & Freedom?

    Commit ONLY 2-minutes here & there throughout your days (between 2-15 minutes a day maximum & much of it you can enjoy on the go) to transform your life in ways you can’t even imagine right now!

    Daily 2-Minute Practices & Support...

  • Daily mood tracker so you're aware of how you’re feeling every day (& not living on autopilot).

  • Daily Reflection/Journal Prompts to help you connect with what’s most important to you & how you think.

  • Daily affirmations to give you focus.

  • Daily 2-Minute Mindfulness, Mindful Movement & Mindful Breath Practices to help calm your body, mind & soul, & to regulate your Nervous System (to help you problem solve & to see solutions & new possibilities).

  • Daily 3-5 minute Manifestation Seeds Audios to provide you with inspiration & new perspectives. 

  • A powerful 30-sec daily exercise to track whether you’re living in lack or gratitude (the more gratitude you feel, the more good things come your way).

  • Monthly group “Unshakeable Mama™ Circle" ~ online (to get together, feel safe & supported, celebrate your wins, work through your challenges, & to practice your 2-Minute Practices).

  • Monthly group “Reflections & Visioning Workshop” ~ online (to acknowledge your recent wins & struggles, & to create a mini-vision board for the next month to bring you joy & move you closer to your big vision).

  • Accountability & Community...

  • Daily emails with lifetime access to the practices (5 days a week for 8-weeks, with 2 days off for integration & reflection each week). 

  • Weekly Reflections Journal.

  • Private Facebook Community for support, accountability & celebrations of your commitment & changes (with access for as long as you are in the program or Graduate Membership).

  • Access to the membership area with lifetime access to the practices.

  • Complimentary 30-min 1:1 Celebration Zoom Call at the end of your 8-week Journey to summarise your breakthroughs & mindset shifts.

  • Option to receive a rolling 12-weeks of continued support in the Graduate Membership on a Self-Paced or 1:1 basis.

  • Bi-weekly 30-min 1:1 Zoom calls ~ 4 per 8-week Journey (for 1:1 Mamas only).

  • WhatsApp support, guidance & encouragement (for 1:1 Mamas only).

  • Join TODAY to become an "Unshakeable Mama™"!

    • Feel calm, presence, abundance & freedom on levels you've never previously experienced...
    • Bring your seemingly impossible dreams to life, step by step...
    • & become the Role Model your children need to help them live their happiest lives.
    Start Today!

    I offer a "You Choose What You Pay" sliding scale to make this program accessible to you because I know how much you need it!

    I wish I'd had this a few years back but I had to figure it all out the hard way!

    Hi, Beautiful!

    I’m Michele, aka The Unshakeable Mama™… Mum of 2 boys, wife since 2010, & Mindfulness & Manifestation Coach with 20 years experience in holistic therapies, meditation, mindfulness & life coaching. Following a breakdown in 2017 due to stressful house renovations with a young baby & my husband almost dying of sepsis in 2019, I committed to a journey of rebuilding my nervous system & self-growth. I’ve never looked back & every day I intend to be the calmest, happiest & best version of myself.

    My family & I recently moved from Dorset to Scotland because we wanted a new adventure & to shake up life! Life is for living & feeling after all!

    I believe with all my heart that my purpose is to bring more love & light to the world for our children & future generations, starting by helping frazzled working Mums feel UNSHAKEABLE, feel calm & regulated, be the woman you aspire to be, manifest your dreams, experience freedom (whatever it looks like for you), live your happiest life, & lead the way for your children to live theirs.

    I look forward to guiding you on this Mindful Journey to Presence & Freedom, where you’ll go from living on autopilot to being in full control of your life!

    True words from Unshakeable Mamas who've worked with me...

    I've realised I can't keep everyone happy & I'm now picking my battles in life! I'm better at recognising whether I'm doing well or struggling. I've been taking time to practice breaths to feel calm & know I’m OK. I'm leaving work on time most weeks, if not most days. It's lovely to be back home on time to spend more time with my family. It's made me rethink my time & where I waste time (such as social media!) so I can enjoy what's most important to me & work on my boundaries.

    Camilla C

    I found the strength & energy to apply for a new job, which I'd been putting off, because I have more headspace from feeling calmer. I feel less overwhelmed & this is definitely down to Unshakeable Mama! It’s lovely taking those mini breaks during the day & also listening to the Manifestation Seeds Audios. I tend to do one practice, then a little work, then watch the next video etc.

    Katharina G

    I can process anger or upset more easily, I have more self-control & I'm a lot kinder to myself now. Before Unshakeable Mama, I felt like I was failing at everything & there was too much to do all the time. Now I can let things wait until tomorrow. These are massive wins! Overall, I've had a lot of mindset shifts & this is continuous. The little things have added up to a big shift in the way I think. The practices are so quick & I could do them with the kids around!

    Sorrel G

    By creating space for me to gain clarity on my priorities in life, it’s made me realise that the way I’d structured my life hadn’t been reflecting how I want to live my life. I’d been prioritising my clients over my own wellbeing & family. Now lots has changed & I’ve shifted my working hours around & no longer work Saturdays. This means more fun time & family days.

    Aletheia W

    My husband & colleagues said I was radiant & like a new woman! My peace & calm was contagious… my husband & boys have also made improvements, such as calmer school mornings. The boys loved the Mindful Movement Practice & dancing with me. I applied for a new job &, with Michele helping to boost my confidence, I got it! & my husband also got a new job!

    Alice S

    My overwhelm is more manageable & I'm less worried about what other people think of me. My son’s noticed a difference in my calmness & he tells me if I get snappy. He’s also been calmer & we’re learning to regulate our emotions together! I find it much easier to sit & take a break now without worrying about housework. I remind myself to practice Gratitude because it helps me stay happy.

    Laura V

    You're protected by a 100% Money Back Guarantee

    I’m extremely proud of "Unshakeable Mama™ ~ An 8-Week Mindful Journey to Presence & Freedom" & I’m certain you’re going to be over the moon when you start experiencing all the positive changes & mindset shifts in your life (& witnessing your family's shifts as they respond to your calm!)

    That’s why I’m offering this 2-week money back guarantee. Whilst I can’t guarantee that “Unshakeable Mama™" will solve all your problems or help you achieve your dreams by a specific date, I can promise that you will start to re-balance work & fun, feel calmer & more fulfilled in all areas of life... as long as you commit to the process.

    To claim your money back, my only requirement is that you must provide evidence that you've completed all the Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation practices to date, & that you have been doing the "inner work". 

    The risk is 100% on me... because I have absolute confidence that "Unshakeable Mama™" can change your outlook towards life, change your life in ways you can't even imagine yet, set you on a new path to living your best life every day, & move your closer to bringing your passions & dreams to life.

    Michele  Akester-Marsh

    “Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.” 

    ~ Robin Sharma

    Start Today!

    I offer a "You Choose What You Pay" sliding scale to make this program accessible to you because I know how much you need it!

    I wish I'd had this a few years back but I had to figure it all out the hard way!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    + When do I start?

    The day after you join Unshakeable Mama™ for 8-weeks. You can join at any time on a Self-Paced & 1:1 basis (although for 1:1, we’ll need to get dates set in the diary for our 30-minute bi-weekly calls).

    + What if I don’t have time right now?

    This Journey has been lovingly created by a previously “busy” & frazzled working Mum to ensure you can achieve amazing results & enjoy the practices within 2-minutes here & there as you go about your days.

    You don’t even need to stop for all the practices, you simply need to choose to practice wherever you are & whenever you need to find calm & control (eg. waiting for the kettle to boil or in the toilets at work!)

    For reassurance, previous Unshakeable Mamas have been amazed at how quick, simple & effective the Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices I teach are! 

    I know it’s hard to think about taking extra things on when life already feels chaotic & like you’re living in Groundhog Day. However, if you’ve read this far, my instincts tell me that you know you can’t keep struggling in the daily grind & that you’re ready to choose a new way to live life.

    I see many positive shifts happening for my ladies who are just like you… overwhelmed with life but choose to take the leap & say yes to herself.

    There’s nothing more important for your wellbeing & future right now. Unshakeable Mama™ helps you create more time for you. It shifts your mindset so you can see & appreciate all the goodness in life every day.

    + How much time do I need to commit?

    Between 2-15 minutes maximum a day for the Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices, 5 days a week. Plus, just 10-minutes during your 2 Integration Days for your Weekly Reflection Journal! I promise that once you make the commitment, it will become habit & you’ll never look back! This Journey is all about creating mindful & sustainable new habits to keep you focused on what's most important to you in life.

    + What if I’ve never practised mindfulness or had coaching before?

    I’d say that now is the perfect time to start! If you’ve ever thought about trying it, if you enjoy yoga or other therapies, or if you have a spiritual side to you, this Mindful Journey is ideal for you. The most fun, fulfilling & freeing way to live life is to be curious & try new things! You've got nothing to lose & lots to gain!

    + What if my children are around?

    “Unshakeable Mama™” has been lovingly created by a “busy” Mum of 2 boys to fit into your days & routines at times that suit you.

    Plus, we often have babies & children joining our monthly Circles & Workshops! I encourage this if it's the only way you can join because you'll still receive incredible benefits (as will your children!)

    I believe that it’s important to role model self-care, wellbeing & self-development to your children. Therefore, you can lead the way in your home & practice setting boundaries by doing the practices while they’re around, or invite them to join in so they also learn them. This Mindful Journey really does benefit the whole family!

    + What happens if I don’t get any results?

    I’m confident that you’ll experience amazing results & shifts in how you feel about all aspects of work, motherhood & life! However, your results depend on you committing to this Journey, putting in the time & effort for your 'inner work'. I can share the tried & tested practices with you…

    But ultimately, it’s your responsibility to integrate them into your days to ensure they work for you.

    Previous Unshakeable Mamas have been amazed at how quick, simple & effective the Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices I teach are!

    If you truly aren’t getting your desired results within the first 2-weeks, there is a full money back guarantee. However, you must provide evidence that you have completed all the suggested practices to date.

    + What if I can’t afford it right now?

    I offer Unshakeable Mama™ on a "Pay What You Can" to ensure that you can afford it! It's my mission to make it accessible to as many frazzled working Mums as possible, because I know how much it's needed! I wish I'd had somebody like me to guide me back in the days when life was super tough!

    I’ve seen many ladies worry about the same thing so you’re not alone (me included, whenever I've invested in coaching & self-development). However, they took the gamble to invest & it paid off in ways they never expected!

    Regulating your Nervous System, your mindset & wellbeing should always be your Number 1 priority… for your own benefit, your children’s benefit & for the benefit of all those around you.

    Your health & happiness is worth way more than you realise right now… but you will find out when YOU CHOOSE TO COMMIT TO THIS JOURNEY.

    Most of my Unshakeable Mamas find that life works in mysterious ways! Once they've said yes to themselves, the money invested comes back in the form of new jobs or pay rises (for herself &/or partner), new clients, new opportunities, inheritances, finding money, healing her relationship with money & so on. Although, this is not guaranteed!

    Don’t forget that you only have one chance to live the life you dream of & you’ll never be this young again! What if this is your biggest chance to bring your dreams to reality?!

    Ps. Unshakeable Mama™ costs less a cup of coffee a day. However, the Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices you’ll master will last a LIFETIME… plus, you’ll role model excellent foundations to your children & inspire others along your way.

    + What if I can’t finish it all in 8 weeks?

    You’ll be able to finish it within the 8-week Journey time due to how it’s organised with daily, short & sweet 2-5 minute Mindfulness, Mindset & Manifestation Practices designed for you to enjoy around your schedule. 

    If you don't practice everything each day, that's fine. You can start again tomorrow, no stress & no guilt!

    You also have lifetime access to the practices so you can revisit them at any time in the future.

    I share many practices during the 8-weeks & you will naturally enjoy some more than others. This is the idea... for you to create a toolbox of practices to call upon when you most need them.

    + How big will the group be?

    I’m calling in as many Mums in Business & working Mums as feel called to join a community of ladies who know each other & become each other’s biggest supporters & cheerleaders! I know that there is power in numbers… you’ll hold each other lovingly accountable & inspire each other on your Journeys.

    Be assured that this is a very safe, judgement-free space. All emotions are welcome & valid. This is your permission to show up exactly as you are.I stand for Mums feeling calm, happy & free to be authentically themselves.

    I stand for building a community of like-hearted women who'll pick you up from your lowest points & celebrate all your wins, big & small.

    Some ladies will be working Self-Paced & others on a 1:1 basis with me. There will also be some inside my rolling 12-week Unshakeable Mama™ Graduate Membership

    + Are there refunds if I can’t finish it all?

    I don’t offer refunds unless you don’t get any results. Once you’ve decided to embark on this Journey, I ask you to be fully committed to taking action so you can create time & space to turn your work-life balance around. Your Future Self will be so grateful to you!

    + How do I know this isn't a scam?

    I’ve been established in business since 2013 & have hundreds, thousands of happy holistic, like-hearted clients. You can find me on the Federation of Holistic Therapists website HERE.

    I’m happy to chat with you prior to your commitment so you can get to know me & gauge how I genuinely wish you to live your happiest life. Just email me (address below) or ping me a dm on FB or IG.

    My life’s mantra is “you will never be this young again!” & I desire you to live your happiest life every day, despite the inevitable challenges.

    + What happens after Unshakeable Mama™ ends?

    You’ll be equipped with the tools & practices to go it alone, as long as you commit to your continued growth. However, in my experience, the best way to make sustainable change & continual progress is to be surrounded by a community of like-hearted ladies who want to see you thrive.

    Therefore, you'll be invited to join my rolling 12-week Unshakeable Mama™ Graduate Membership towards the end of this 8-week Journey. I’ll share more with you in due course.

    Join "Unshakeable Mama™ ~ A Mindful Journey to Presence & Freedom" TODAY! 

    You'll never be this young again!
    This is your opportunity to live a life of no regrets!

    Start Today!

    I offer a "You Choose What You Pay" sliding scale to make this program accessible to you because I know how much you need it!

    I wish I'd had this a few years back but I had to figure it all out the hard way!

    ©2021 Michele Akester-Marsh. All Rights Reserved.

    Contact: [email protected]
    IG/FB/YT: @michele.akestermarsh